APRIL 10, 2015

Together with AIHS, CES hosted The Naked Truth: The State of Evaluation in Alberta. The forum was designed by the Chapter to engage participants in provocative discussions and the sharing of information about:
  • What is happening in evaluation in Alberta and what evaluators are working on
  • The value of evaluation from the perspective of evaluators and those who use evaluations
  • An action plan for advancing the profession of evaluation in the province
The objective of the forum was to provide a gathering place for evaluators to connect with each other and also with the users of evaluation. Participants brought a great level of enthusiasm and energy, and their contributions are informing the development of CES Alberta & NWT’s Advocacy Action Plan.

We thank all respondents for sharing their feedback on the event, and have compiled survey responses in this report. The CES Alberta & NWT Board will discuss the findings at our upcoming 2015/16 planning meeting.


AIHS, in collaboration with our chapter, undertook an environmental scan of evaluation capacity in Alberta. Crystal Corrigan presented results at the forum, and the full report is available for download.


Videos of the day’s presentations are available at the YouTube links below.
Opening Remarks:
Panel Presentation: (questionable sound)
Closing Remarks: